Cant watch videos on Vista, Just plays the sound..

Discussion in 'Software' started by mrniceguy2345, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. mrniceguy2345

    mrniceguy2345 Private E-2

    Hey, whenever I try to play an AVI file on Windows Vista, it goes to Windows Media Player and just plays the sound, I have downloaded K-Lite Mega and about 3 other codec packs and they do not solve the problem. When the K-Lite Codec pack was installed, and i opened an AVI file, it would force me to go to WMP instead of the Classic Player and BS Player. And then just play the sound. I have also re-downloaded Divx and that has not worked as well. Does anyone have any Ideas? Thanks in advance.
  2. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I haven't even used the trials of Vista, so I have no Vista related advice. I'm sure you don't need another player but GOMplayer will actually point you to a download site for a specific codec if it is needed for a file you are trying to play. You might try this player and see if it can play a file after downloading the codec it thinks it requires. It might help you determine if you have a system wide problem or a player related problem.

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