Capacity Usage (gb Per Hour) Under Win 7

Discussion in 'Software' started by secretcodebreaker, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. secretcodebreaker

    secretcodebreaker Specialist

    I recently switched my Internet connection from AT&T DSL to Skyrunner. Their lowest cost service provides a 1.5 Mg speed and 30 Gb monthly capacity. Speed is fine for what I need and I use between .5 and 1.5 Gb per day, depending on how much I stream from Netflix. Near the end of the month I need to be able to monitor my usage (download + upload) so I don't exceed my capacity allotment. Does anyone know of a free program that I can run in the background (Win 7 platform on two identical PCs) that will allow me to measure my capacity usage, say on a hour by hour?

    Thanks for any help.
    AtlBo likes this.
  2. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

    I use 2 monitoring tools for a similar reason. I buy 5gig cards as needed and I keep track to know when to put on another card. Both will sometimes skip sometimes so I watch both to compare totals.

    Another is -


    NetSpeedMonitor is older and can be found on several different sites. Do a search and you'll find somewhere that still has it.

    Both work on 8.1 and with any browser or connection.
    AtlBo and secretcodebreaker like this.
  3. secretcodebreaker

    secretcodebreaker Specialist

    Thanks. I'm in the process of downloading and installing Shaplus. It's just the ticket. The features (as listed) include a monthly total and a way to tell it to reset at the end of the month and to be able to tell it the hours (in my case 12 AM to 6 AM) that the downloads are free.

    AtlBo likes this.
  4. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

    Keep a watch on the settings. Sometimes it enables all nics available and will drive the readings up. I can tell when it's off count after using it enough. I make a note if I know it's too far ahead.
    AtlBo and secretcodebreaker like this.
  5. secretcodebreaker

    secretcodebreaker Specialist

    Thanks Imandy Mann - I don't know what "nics" means. I have it set to not record during the free hours (0000 to o600) and that seems to be working. I don't recall any other settings except the indication that I'm connected directly via Ethernet, which it seemed to detect and set that for me.
    AtlBo likes this.
  6. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    NICs means network interface cards. It doesn't just mean the ethernet card.
    AtlBo and Imandy Mann like this.
  7. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

    Thanks md. I had to leave unexpectedly. Right on nics. I set mine for my wireless dongle, but sometimes it will turn on with my Ethernet card which I don't use and a loop back interface plus a couple virtual networks I sometimes use. Plus every other software device in the list. When this happens I can see it gaining data too fast and have to de-select the unwanted items.
    AtlBo likes this.

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