Catalyst 4.6

Discussion in 'Software' started by SC4MP1, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. SC4MP1

    SC4MP1 Private E-2

    Has anyone else had problems with the 4.6 catalyst drivers? I had some serious flickering with them on my 9600 pro, so i dropped back down to 4.5. Everything runs perfectly now on the 4.5s but i was wondering if i should try Omega 4.6s or something simular instead?
  2. InYearsToCome

    InYearsToCome MajorGeek

    supposedly, ATi realized there were some slight errors in their 4.6 release, so they quickly (the next day, literally) released the 4.7beta drivers... which are basically the fixed 4.6's

    you can get them at guru3d
  3. SC4MP1

    SC4MP1 Private E-2

    thanks bro. these drivers work perfectly :D

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