caught virus called Win32:Malware-gen

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by alterintel, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. alterintel

    alterintel Corporal

    I failed in my struggle to download an older version of adobe flash. So I gave in today, and goggled Adobe Flash and went to a download Adobe page and started the download. Later realized it wasn't Adobe but a different download site that looked official, had a blue and white icon, maybe softwareland was the name?, just can't remember. Minute after I downloaded, my Avast anti virus alerted that I'd picked up a bug. Immediately disconnected from net and finally found the avast virus quarantine chest. Took a while to find the settings for the actions, then set them to move to chest, try to repair, if fail, delete. Restarted computer twice and virus still in chest. I want it gone. It seems like it may be in a big important program. Let me stress that I don't know much about computers. Here is what Avast says about the virus so far as I understand it:
    The name of the program infected {I think that is what they are referring to} is: cZNc9Rg2.exe.part [port?]
    The file it is in is C:\Documents and Settings\my name which not including\local settings
    The size of this file is 780451 The file id is 1

    The name of the virus is: Win32: Malware-gen

    I don't know how to make the avast anti-virus program start to take the actions to get rid of this. What do I do, I marked the setting to move it to chest, then repair and if unable I think it is supposed to delete. Is this wise. Does deleting it delete the entire file? It seems it is in an important file. When I tried to submit this data to Avast 'virus lab' it didn't let me type stuff in.
    What do I do? I am on my old computer, xp pro serpac2, ff browser

  2. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Important file? I doubt it if avast has quarantined it just after you were trying to download flash. I think it's done the right thing. Can you follow these procedures if you are still feeling unsettled? READ & RUN ME FIRST - Malware Removal Guide
  3. alterintel

    alterintel Corporal

    I downloaded MBAM and scanned and the malware-gen thing was still in the Avast quarantine chest. I had the trial of Avast, and I liked it, but I uninstalled it. Scanned again and nothing was detected, went to search and ran a search for malware-gen and nothing came up, tho avast did leave some things that came up when I ran a search for that. I deleted those. That was yesterday. Today I ran a mbam search and nothing came up. But when I click on things some don't respond immediately, and I have to click multiple times, which has been rare in past. I wonder if it would be a good idea to run Hitman Pro? As I said, I don't know much about computers, don't pretend to. Just was always told by people I trusted that this is a good site for help, and my downloads always work from here when they don't anywhere else, and are always clean. That all said, the malware removal system here that you want me to try is beyond my capabilities.
  4. alterintel

    alterintel Corporal

    I just ran a scan using Hitman Pro. Boy is it fast. It showed no threats so I am at peace with this as people who are very knowledgeable about computers have recommended that program.
    Would Hitman Pro be recommended as one's primary protection suite?
  5. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Hitman Pro is more of an after the fact scanner. It is not an anti virus. So cannot protect you in that sense. If you are still experiencing any malware like issues I suggest you run the procedures I linked to. (The full procedures) :) Thanks.
  6. alterintel

    alterintel Corporal

    Kestrel, if I knew how to use it I would.
  7. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Please follow the instructions you were already given in Kestrel13!'s first post to you! All the instructions are in the link for everything we want you to do. You need to follow them so that we can help you check your PC for malware.

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