CCleaner won't install where I tell it to?!?

Discussion in 'Software' started by phoisheaven, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. phoisheaven

    phoisheaven Private E-2

    When I try to install CCleaner, it asks if I want to install it to C:\MYUSERNAME\Program Files\Ccleaner...

    I click the "Browse" button to change the directory (since I would rather it be installed to C:\MYUSERNAME\Program Files\Utilities\Ccleaner

    (I like to keep my Start Menu organized in categories like that)

    But after I install the program, I see it sitting right in the Start Menu under Program Files. If I right click and "Explore All Users," Ccleaner doesn't show up as an icon, so I can't physically move it into the directory I want it to be in.

    Why is it doing this? It makes no sense to me! All my other programs install where I tell them to install!
  2. phoisheaven

    phoisheaven Private E-2

    Oh I forgot, I am running Windows XP Home Edition
  3. tritonobx

    tritonobx Staff Sergeant

    Some programs are stubborn about this, and CCleaner seems to be one of them. It'll probably function better if you let it have its way to install in Programs Files only. Good luck.

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