Cd drive not fully booting when it's set to boot from it

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ccn, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Hi folks, my cd drive is recognized but when I have set the the boot order to boot from it , you can hear it trying to boot but it never gets over the hump to fully get it done .

    It sounds like it's trying though.

    I am not sure what to do .

    Thanks for any tips
  2. gman863

    gman863 MajorGeek

    It could either be a scratched/defective disc or a problem with the lens on the drive itself.

    "Burned" CD/DVDs are more sensitive to scratching than OEM software discs (which are "stamped" like old LP records).

    Try a different copy of the disc if possible.
  3. ccn

    ccn Private E-2

    Thank you i will try your suggestions

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