CentOS 5 in VMware problem No Drives Found

Discussion in 'Software' started by pclover, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. pclover

    pclover MajorGeek

    I am getting this error trying to install CentOS 5 in VMware. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  2. mikkh

    mikkh Private First Class

    Allocate the space for HD's immediately, instead of letting it expand

    You should get the option when making the new virtual machine

    Or download a ready made virtual machine here.....


    Use the 'bagvapp' one at the bottom of the first page

    Or go direct to their site for less cluttered choices than on vmware site

  3. 2 Crabs

    2 Crabs Private E-2

    Having same problem - disk preallocated. any ideas?
  4. son_of_a_homewrecker

    son_of_a_homewrecker Private E-2

    I have run into this as well. Supposed to have another look at it tomorrow in the lab, if we come up with a good solution, I will post it.

  5. m1lkym1ke

    m1lkym1ke Private E-2

    I found that after centos does a test to veryify the cd... it disconnects the media....

    So you have to go to the settings in vmware for the cdrom anc check off "Connected".

    Then it works again. Its a bit annoying
  6. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    You bumped an old thread, but your reply was dead on for the problem. :major

    Welcome to MajorGeeks m1kym1ke!
  7. m1lkym1ke

    m1lkym1ke Private E-2

    Yea too bad I am having other issues with centos + vmware now... will post an update when i can snap a picture of it.. hope someone can help.

    **EDIT: OK nvm... it wants to work all of a sudden? whatever :)
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010

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