Change Broadband IP Question

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by NREC37, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. NREC37

    NREC37 Private E-2

    Hi, I was wondering if I can possibly change my Broadband IP address, and how would I go about doing so?

    I'm using a Verizon Router and I think that someone is leeching off of me...If I change My computer IP address, um, the 192.168.x.x will that also change the Broadband IP Address?

    yes, I'm tech illiterate, but I'm hoping to learn haha

    Thanks in advance, and I hope I'm posting this in the right place..
  2. NREC37

    NREC37 Private E-2

    if I did an ipconfig/release & ipconfig/renew, would that change it?
  3. NREC37

    NREC37 Private E-2

    how would I do that?

    I'm on Verizon FiOS
    Actiontec router
    Windows Vista Ultimate

    thanks for the reply though

    okay, also, I can't access my router, the on any browser, it either says that login failed, or when I try to type the password manually, it enters more characters than I type

    Bloody thing :(
  4. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    If you left the router settings at default, check this out -
    If a Verizon tech accessed the router, the password will be ‘password1’

    If you changed them, may have to reset router to default.
    Check with Verizon support or Actiontec support for your router procedure to reset. (Usually a button or hole on back or hold power button for set period of time.)

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