Charging a new laptop battery help

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by jsant09, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. jsant09

    jsant09 Private E-2

    I have a new laptop battery and I know that you are supposed to fully charge them on first use to optimize its life over time. My question is how long is it supposed to charge for (It's a 6 Cell Lithium-Ion) on that first charge and is it recommended that the laptop be shut off of while charging it, or can I use it while it fully charges for that first time?

    Also, is it recommended that when using it, to unplug the power cord once the battery is fully charged and then let it drain, then fully charge, unplug and drain, etc. etc.? I know it is not good to leave the battery in and have it continue charging once it is already fully charged.

    I appreciate in advance everyone's response.

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