chkdsk logs - Oh my

Discussion in 'Software' started by CloseShave, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. CloseShave

    CloseShave Private E-2

    Something is seriously wrong with the Computer.

    I understand chkdsk logs are stored in Windows Logs>Appilication - Source = Winlogon, correct?

    However, if I am on track I simply see no log. I have looked in multiple other places.

    My computer also is not saving my memory.dmp files. I am not sure whats wrong but its a long story. If you want to help :cool feel free to search my threads and that would be awesome.

    My brief question:
    Regardless if it is Binary/Hex or whatever what is the name of the file where the chkdsk log is typically stored. And if it existed where would this file most likely be?

  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Have you checked in "Hidden Files" and "Protected Operating System Files"?

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