Choosing a Card...

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by gamer-one, Oct 17, 2004.

  1. gamer-one

    gamer-one Private E-2

    Hi, I,ve searched around a lot on the net and this is probaly the best best forum to get my answer.

    I am looking at a Sapphire 9600XT 128MB Ultimate Edition and a Regular ATi 9600XT.

    These cards look the same and everything. But its jsut the price that changes a lot of stuff.

    So what I want to is, whice one do you recommend me getting.
    (Money is not a factor)

  2. suesman

    suesman First Sergeant

    Well Ultimate Edition has that cool ( pardon the pun ) heatpipe thingy. I didn't notice anything different in the clock speeds & such.

  3. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    Heat pipe w/o fan tends to run alot hotter at stock speeds but overclock slightly better by 1-5mhz.
  4. suesman

    suesman First Sergeant

    Yes I meant to mention that. I used to have a Zalman Heatpipe on this Ti4200 & it worked just fine, but you do need to have adequate ventilation throughout the case.
  5. BeerMonkey

    BeerMonkey Master Sergeant

    If money is no factor, why dont you get a X800?
  6. gamer-one

    gamer-one Private E-2

    well obviously you can see that when i mention only the 9600xt version that money around that range but thanks for all the info.

    But i been thinking and i think that if its built by ati themselves u can trusat it more. Its just my opinion what you guys think?

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