Clone hd for system restore

Discussion in 'Software' started by Johnsom, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Johnsom

    Johnsom Private E-2

    I just reformated my computer for the umpteenth time. I do this probably every 6 months just to keep things running smoothly. Right now I just use the discs that came with my pc, but with updates and uninstalling bloatware it takes about 3 hours. I like to make the process easier that is why I am looking into Hd cloning software. I have a few questions. Ive heard great things about norton ghost but at 70$ :eek I just cant justify the expense right now. Can anyone offer advice on a program with the ability to do this?
    Id like one that could create a backup clone on my secondary hd, and also create a bootable recovery Dvd that I could use in the same manner as the cds my pc came with. I apologize if this this covered elsewhere on the forum. I did uncover a stickie with a quick search but wasn't satisfied with what I found. This is my sunday afternoon project so Ill probably find something by the end of the day, but I was hoping someone would stumble across this before I find something. Thanks in advance. -Johnsom
  2. Johnsom

    Johnsom Private E-2

    1 more question along the same theme. I of course installed my favorite browser and essentials like directx and netframework. Could anyone else suggest some must have updates for a more complete and optimized restore disc. Thanks again -Johnsom
  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    I use Acronis True Image v8. It's an older version which was being offered for free awhile back. The current version is about $50.00 But it really is excellent. I install Windows, Office, all my drivers, Windows Updates, Firefox, media codecs, antivirus, antispyware, Nero, DVD ripping and video converting software, .NET Framework, etc. I then make the backup image and burn it to a single DVDRW. I also create the boot CD which allows me to restore from the image DVDRW in the case of compete system failure. Once this image is done and burned, I stash it. I also completely reformat/reload 2-3 times a year just to keep things running smoothly, and I use the image disc. After it's installed, I quickly update all the drivers and virus definitions, and do the Windows Updates, then erase the DVDRW and create a new one. It only takes maybe an hour to restore from the image, update everything, and create a new image DVDRW. Plus there's the peace-of-mind that goes with knowing if my drive fails or gets infected beyond saving, bringing everything back is not a huge chore. I store all my 'important' stuff (music, videos, documents, downloads, etc) on a 2nd hard drive, and the REALLY important stuff is burned to CD/DVD immediately. This way, I only have to worry about one hard drive, just drive C:.
  4. Johnsom

    Johnsom Private E-2

    This is a vastly under apreciated type of software it seems. There are a few free ones out there most are just downright shit. I With the major companies charging so much for this I would think it would get more attention in the software development side of things. I did find one program clonezillla and it got me all the way to actually making an img but after trying to make a bootable cd the program just gave out on me and stopped working. The interface is horrible and the only other option is to spend hours learning linux commands and use the command line. Really software developers how hard is it to just copy a few files. It takes a rocket scientist I guess. Thanks for the suggestion but i dont want to spend anything on something that could probably be done in dos lol.
  5. randy@

    randy@ Private E-2

  6. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

  7. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    randy@ the last part of the sentence is from the 15 day trial should be part of the previous sentence. In other words, if you do not buy the software, you will be unable to restore the image.
  8. randy@

    randy@ Private E-2

    That makes sense when actually combined with the previous sentence. Thanks.

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