Coma: Windows 10 Laptop Can't Wakeup

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by zapp, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. zapp

    zapp Staff Sergeant

    hi guys
    I have seen this unfortunate movie before on a different rig, different devices, but same issue with Windows 10 x64, laptop sleeps, cannot be awakened, must hard-stop it. no Bueno

    This one is a fairly recent Toshiba Satellite, i7 Haswell, with a clean-install Windows 10 on a new SSD. It appears on the surface that all devices are installed properly [no obvious bangs in Device manager but I have not drilled into every sub-category and looked for events to see if any have the ominous errors]. The user of this system is the main backoffice bookkeeper for a small security firm. She cannot operate without a mouse so has used 2 different wireless mice. She also has to use a portable drive for safely backing up critical files, not trusting the main hard drive [lost 2 hard drives in one year.... I don't think I have ever seen that, personally].
    When I had the system in my hands, I found multiple incidences of the hard shutdown in the Windows System Error logs, but not a trace of a failed device or other really meaningful error. [the usual mix of windows 10 errors and warnings].

    When the user is called away for long enough that the laptop goes to sleep, sometimes it awakens, many times it does not. I have fetched it in that state [asked them to leave it "as is"] and it is for real. makes no diff if on battery power only or AC power, lid means nothing, power button, which is set to "shut down" on a press, does nothing until of course we hold it for 10 seconds or so, then lights out. at least that part works: I have seen an Asus zenbook get in that condition and the power button [soft] had no effect. one had to remove 20 screws from the laptop, disconnect the non-remove battery terminal, wait, reconnect. never solved that one but figured out which device was offending and stopped using it.

    is there a way to reset USB functions so that they sleep and awaken like normal? I Have windows 10 systems all over my shop that all function well sleeping/waking no matter what is plugged into them. How to debug and FIX the issue? Would the result be any diff if I used an external USB hub that is known to be 'safe', and plug mice and/or external drive into that?

    thx for help
  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

  3. zapp

    zapp Staff Sergeant

    unfavorable sleep/power settings generate hundreds of thousands of messages on forums, most of which go unresolved. this one is thorny for reasons I have yet to uncover, since windows does not have a facility for high-detail logging the entering/exiting of sleep. all you get is the one-liner "entering sleep" curiously followed in a fraction of a second by "resumed from sleep". logical, eh? other than that, nothing. I've had 4 of the windows 10 support chat guys [gals] login and poke around. they know less than we do which is not saying much.
    I had already tried workarounds with high power settings etc but that's not a solution. right now the machine in question is about 80% successful, 20% lockup. By working it for days [while the user/customer was away on a break] I can see the issue happen, but cannot find a cause other than that it will be a combination of a bunch of variables. I suspect there is some app that is routinely used that wants the system to not sleep, or interrupts one of the timed processes.

    I've noted that it matters not whether it is on battery or AC Power.
    It is a sleep issue, not a hibernation or hybrid issue. The problem occurs roughly at the interval set to enter sleep mode: keyboard/usb/display/lid/power-buton all lock out and you're stuck with a "live" system that cannot be communicated with. It never gets past the 'enter' mode. that much you can see by deduction in the windows log.

    the other thing that I've noticed is that the time intervals set in the power options turn out to be rough approximations: with it set to cut display at 5 minutes the real time will vary between 5 and 10... maybe 11. Sleep, then, seems to move accordingly: it is set for 10 minutes while I've been trying to debug, but can enter that state anytime from 11min or so to more than 20. if it has not started sleep by then it will be hung with no notice. all the led's will appear as they were when the display offed. Also, I have not personally observed a failure to sleep "on command" by shutting the lid. It may happen under some other set of conditions but I have not observed such. If there is a workaround needed, that would be the simplest: shut the lid when you leave the workstation.

    The Event Log is remarkably clean - cleaner than any of my own work systems! neither I nor MS guys see anything noteworthy in the log. SFC SCANNOW did find a host of permission issues which really surprised me since it was a recent clean install on a virgin SSD. most of them were cases of ownership never having been established. I don't think any of this affects the ugly problem. will see in time

    so, for future searchers who run across this thread: good luck. There are more threads like this than one can possibly count...

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