Comodo Personal Firewall removal HELP!

Discussion in 'Software' started by jetaylor, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. jetaylor

    jetaylor Private E-2

    Hi All,

    Im new to this site and first of all wanted to say thanks for all the great info here. I had some issues on removing trojan.agent.aoy from my PC but I followed the malware removal guide and its sorted that out.

    However Ive now got a new problem. I installed Comodo Personal Firewall and disabled the windows one. The CPF kept on nagging me with all the Defense+ alerts so I uninstalled it. However My PC had no network connection after doing so - I checked on the Security center and it still listed CPF as my firewall.

    I followed a guide on how to remove this from security centre - I deleted all the comodo folders and registry keys. My security center does not show Comodo anymore but I still cant access the internet using my Wireless adapter.

    I tried my wired connection and this works which was a pleasant suprise but my wireless is still not working - it just says page cannot be displayed, but the wireless adapter is connected to the router (it has good signal strength etc.) Its definately not my router as my other pc is connected to the same router using the same wireless adapter and thats working fine.

    I also have my wireless adapter setup with a static IP address, i tried to let it find the IP address automatically but it still doesnt work.

    Any help on this is really appreciated!! Thanks!
  2. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Steve East should be on soon with hints, links, etc., to remove Comodo. Bazza
  3. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    jetaylor, looks like you had better luck than I did in removing leftover Registry entries, and, as Steve says, your current problems do not relate to the Comodo uninstall ( I missed that, sorry :eek: )

    My problems were outlined in I still have entries as explained there. Bazza
  4. Terry Mathis

    Terry Mathis Private E-2

    Safe Mode>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs> Delete Comodo should do the trick followed by a decent reg scanner scan and fix.
  5. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    If this advice is for me. forget it. I've tried everthing. See my link in previous reply. Bazza



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