comp explosion

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by coldcell, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. coldcell

    coldcell Private First Class

    i went to turn on my comp today and smoke came out from the power supply cable then i saw a spark inside.

    what should i do :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
  2. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    pray to god that you didnt fry your whole computer lol

    hopefully it just took out itself. borrow a PSU or buy a new one and see if everything still works
  3. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    Look's like it's time for New PSU
    Avoid generic

    Hey viper, it was probably one of those Thermaltake's "LOL"
  4. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    You did capture the magic smoke, didnt' you?

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