computer experts please(*_*)

Discussion in 'Software' started by skipper, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. skipper

    skipper Private E-2

    ok i got windows-xp-home..basic installed all updates at microsoft and sp2..before installing sp2 my download speed was on average around 4.5 to 5.0 kb/ its 2.8 to 3.2...whats the cause of this? would the windows firewall cause this? any info on speeding up my connection or fixing this situation will be greatly appreciated..please hook me up with some info...
  2. solaris89

    solaris89 First Sergeant

    All Maxthon is is a skin for IE, remove IE from your system and Maxthon is nothing but a bunch of pretty icons with nothing to do. Whatever security issues concern IE concern Maxthon, Avant, Slim, etc. I used Maxthon for ages, back when it was known as MyIE2; it's the best skin out there for IE, tons of options, but no more secure than your current IE is. The folks at Maxthon wrote a couple of fixes for these issues; they weren't successful. Check out their forum: one somewhat worked, one didn't. There are much more secure alternatives out there than anything that runs off IE.
  3. skipper

    skipper Private E-2

    ok..thanks doods..i got my connection speed back to normal..adjusted port settings/internet explorer settings and a couple questions>i have 256 ram,after i load up windows i wait a minute or two then i go to system tools/system information and it says physical ram 256 available physical ram 90...whats using all my ram? i stopped/disabled some services that i dont need(info from black viper) and still i get ram in the 90's after boot-up...would it be the intel graphics on my motherboard using the ram?...anyone know about that longhorn transfomation pack 8? i heard it is not smart to install it...just wondering...
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Yes you onboard Intel GFX will be using some of your ram, generally 32~64mb of system ram.

    Also check how many applications startup on boot and are resident in your system tray.. I bet you will find one or two you dont need to startup until you need them... thus maybe saving a few more mb's.

    By installing the LH transformation pack you are defeating the object of you trying to recover waisted memory! If you have enough ram and dont mind re-installing the OS if things dont go to plan then the look it gives is close to LH.
  5. skipper

    skipper Private E-2

    thanks not going to install that longhorn pack(not worth the risk)...i dont have any extra start-up i missing something? what else can be using up so much ram? any recommendations on software to increase overall performance? which one really works and is safe and reliable?
  6. skipper

    skipper Private E-2

  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Press Ctrl-Alt-Del > Processes and look and mentally add up how much ram is being used. Explorer can take 20mb then various Svchost's can take 30mb+ , theirs 50mb gone in a flash, then all the other associated processes will take the rest up.

    Great artical for you to read
    pay attention to the Why is there so little Free RAM? section.
  8. skipper

    skipper Private E-2

    thanks again halo....

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