Computer Management.Lnk

Discussion in 'Software' started by amolari, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. amolari

    amolari Private E-2

    When I go to "Computer/Manage" instead of seeing the familiar screen with "System Tools etc., I get a message indicating that "Windows cannot find 'C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\ComputerManagement.Lnk'.
    Thank You for your help.
  2. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire


    Which version of Windows?
    Did this just start recently?
    Does Start>Run> and typing in compmgmt.msc still work to open the window?
  3. amolari

    amolari Private E-2

    Problem solved, sach2, I found the creation of a shortcut and then pasted into his place. I works. Thank you very much for your prompt answer.
  4. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Good work! :)

    That was going to be my suggestion if computer management itself still opened using the command line. You beat me to it.

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