Computer Restarting on it's own

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Chala, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Can somebody please tell me other then my computer overheating why it would restart on it's own, it has done this three times in seven months twice in the last two weeks. Also is there a utility to test my processor with? Thanks!

    UKARMYCADET Corporal

    my comoputer started to reboot on its on just before it melted where the psu connected to my mother board!!! so thats a caution. if it is over clocked.

    other than that check for spyware and virus.

    cya mate
  3. rik_na

    rik_na Sergeant

    Timely reminder for me to buy some thermal paste. Testing software, try Hot CPU. You can buy it but there are enough shareware versions around to use.
  4. ST47

    ST47 Private First Class

    Computers usually reboot for a reason, and it is usually a bad one. Can you go into your control panel -> administrative tools -> event viewer and select system and see if there are any warnings or errors from just before the computer reboots?

    Possible reasons include low power or overheating, since you seem to have ruled out overheating, have you installed anything new recently in the computer? CPU, RAM, CD, HDD, any new USB devices that don't have their own power cord?
  5. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    One can also stop the reboot process by changing 'Startup&Recovery settings. Right-clk My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Startup and Recovery settings and uncheck the box to auto reboot. This should give you a BSOD screen from which you can copy the error messages.
  6. Chala

    Chala Corporal

  7. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    I went to the event veiwer the only thing i can see is (TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts.) I have not really ruled out over heating, i assumed that it would shut down as opposed to restarting if it overheated, i have a post in cooling and modding for help with a temperature monitor. I have not installed any new hardware lately The machine has restarted three times in the last three weeks, i am sure i have installed something but i am not sure, anyway that i can find out all the programs that i have installed in the last three weeks?...thanks ST47
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2007
  8. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    AugieDoggie, i already unchecked Autorestart last week got my first blue screen today all i copied was DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL i did not copy any Stop 0xA message's nor did it list any drivers by name.
  9. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Run memtest86 to check your RAM and let it run all night.
  10. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Will do AugieDoggie, but this machine is only 7 months old, and i have 1.0 GB of RAM but i will run it thanks.
  11. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    AugieDoggie i read the readme from Memtest86 i was looking for instructions, it seems to only have instructions for Linux Only. I tried installing to a floppy but everytime i try to read it it says my floppy needs to be formatted, not good.
  12. sewy18

    sewy18 Private First Class

    Hey man I would recommend you backup only your important files then reformat your harddrive and reinstall windows.When your new windows is installed make sure you update to the latest video and audio drivers and direct X.
  13. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    The problem can also be caused by powerline surges and dips.
    I see you are in the north of the UK. The recent spate of storms have caused considerable disruption, including such dips and surges. Are you in a rural or urban area?
    Keeping a tight reign on backups until it's sorted is good policy.
  14. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Thought about it, last resort
  15. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Studiot i am in NYC sir
  16. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    haven't they moved it? sorry
    but the principles still apply

  17. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    I still need help
  18. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    MemTest86 Installation:

    1. Download MemTest86 and unzip it to a directory of your liking, for example C:\Memtest
    2. Grab a floppy
    3. Format the floppy.
    ...Go to 'My Computer', rightclick on A:\ and select "format", tick the quickformat option as this is quicker.
    4. Copy the content of the Memtest folder onto A:\
    5. Reboot and run Memtest86

    I don't know if this is 100% accurate, as the last time I used a floppy drive for anything is 2+ years ago. You may have to select something along the lines of "Create Windows bootfloppy" on step 3, I'm not totally sure.
  19. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    Yes, you do. Otherwise it won't boot... :) And I think it says "Make System Disk"
  20. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Thanks Fleppen
  21. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Thank you Wyatt
  22. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    I give up on memtest can't get it to work
  23. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    What resources do do have access to, Chala? you can test the memory in other ways.
    How many memory modules are there in your pc?
    if there are more than one does it run better with one or the other removed?
    Note that some pcs need memory modules fitted in pairs, don't try this if yours is this type - look at your handbook.
    Do you have another pc or access to a friend's?
    If so does his run ok with your memory or yours run ok with his.
    again you can only perform this test if they are both the same type, but not necessarily the same amount.
    Thorough memory testing can only be carried out on a dedicated machine as software cannot perform many hardware tests. Its cheaper to by a new module as the machines can run to several $1000.
    I ask again for you to check your powerline.
    Is there any nearby machinery which cuts in with a heavy load every now and then?
  24. Bluepickle

    Bluepickle Major Folder

    I use the memtest on my Knoppix CD. You can download an iso here and burn it to a cd. Boot your computer from the cd. On the boot menu hit f3 and type memtest and it should run. Knoppix itself is great for data recovery off of a crashed system and a host of other things as well. I keep a disk within reach at all times.

    The problem also could be coming from a faulty power supply as well. But without another power supply to swap in, or a tester, I would definitely rule out the memory before going any further.
  25. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Studiot...i am not that experienced to take out the memory, i have two modules. My powerline is fine thanks for all your help.
  26. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Bluepickle when i am booting what do i do press f-8 or what in other words how do i boot from disk, this is what i am doing wrong, please help!
  27. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    Nobody has addressed this what are the instructions for windows XP??
  28. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    If you don't want to touch the memory modules what will you do if a software memory tester reports a fault?

    If you don't want to dirty your hands changing a wheel, don't jack up the car!

    You can't diagnose transmission faults by sitting in the drivers seat and listening to the engine, but if you really want a free windows software memory tester got to the following link and download the evaluation version of MemTest.
    Unzip to a convenient folder
    click on memtest.exe
    click start

    perhaps you can follow their advice better than advice given by the authors in this forum.

    Good luck
    Studio T signing off on this one
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2007
  29. sewy18

    sewy18 Private First Class

    Before you start screwing around with your hardware you should make sure it aint a virus or a program that was installed.Reformat your hard drive bro if the problem still consists then obviously it's your hardware;)
  30. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    I see your getting a little perturbed sir thanks for your help i will be fine
  31. Chala

    Chala Corporal

    I am positive it is not a virus or malware/spyware, just not ready to give up and format yet thanks.
  32. Skipper013

    Skipper013 Private E-2

    When i go to vevent view, i see the eerror sign, i click it and i get the the following erro details:

    Error code 000000f4, parameter1 00000003, parameter2 82e71558, parameter3 82e716cc, parameter4 805d1142.

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at

    My computer restarts, Iv probably resintalled xp 4 time sin the last week for this. PLease help!

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