Computer use in England

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by theoharis, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. theoharis

    theoharis Private E-2

    I will be living in England for two years. Would like to take my computer with me. What do I need to buy, do, have done, etc., in order to use it there. I am currently in the US.
  2. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    You should simply have to flick a switch on the back to change from 110V to 230V. It should be on the PSU (the part you plug the power cord into), and its generally red.

    If you don't have one of those, you may need to buy a new PSU over here, that works on 230V and 110V.
  3. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

    You will also need a plug adaptor to convert from the US two thin prongs to UK three fat prongs. Also you may need a modem adaptor as well - different phone sockets.
  4. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Or you could just buy a new power lead... because in all honesty they arn't that expensive and its safer than getting an adaptor.
  5. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    What about the monitor?

    Don't know if I've seen any with a voltage selector switch (or maybe I just haven't noticed).
  6. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Check the votage rating of your monitor. IIRC, most monitor rectifier/transformers are auto-sensing for 110-230V. My old KDS 19sn is.
  7. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    That explains it.
  8. Scousetechie

    Scousetechie Specialist

    One more point, your USA modem may not work here in the UK, If you can configure it for UK use then you will need the driver disk. If not you can gey a new modem for less than £10.00 so you should not have a problem.

    With regard to mains supplies a lot of PSUs are "switch mode" which means that they can do either voltage so some don't have a red switch on them.........Be careful though! it's worth taking the lid off your PC and having a look on the label on the PSU just to make sure.

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