computer wont boot, then it will??

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ninz39, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. ninz39

    ninz39 Private E-2

    :confusedacer aspire desktop t650 running xp, started not booting, fans run but nothing else happens, after turning it on/off several times hey presto boots up fine, that was going on for about 6 months then just would not boot at all. so took out graphics card and computer booted up fine for a week ..then same problem . i have to turn it on/off and hope it boots i keep it running all the time now, if i have to restart it shuts down and starts up again fine so it seems weird. anyone have any idea what it could be?
    if something had *gone* in it it wouldn't work at all would it? but this works when it wants to
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Sounds like your power supply is heading south. Try replacing it with a new one of greater power. If it is a 300 watt.....go with a 500 watt.

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