Confused from London

Discussion in 'Software' started by DC999, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. DC999

    DC999 Private E-2

    I have an e-machine thats a few years old, its specs are 8220 2.8GHz 160gb 1024mb. running XP home. I have today had a new motherboard installed which is a Foxconn 661MXPlus. This was installed because the other one died (RIP) :cry

    Since i have had it back i have run a virus check through Virgin Broadband PC Guard (all clear), and CCleaner basic

    My problem is this - Internet explorer does not work any more and keeps crashing. Also the IE icon on the desk top only creates a shortcut when clicked, instead of opening the programme.

    I have (i think :confused) a lot of processes (37) running and i am sure that they are not all needed and require thinning out, as do the start up programmes

    I would like to back-up the system -files docs and pics etc and put in the restore CD that came with the computer, to give it a service so to speak, but don't know if i can cos of the new mother board of if its the right thing to do at all.

    Finally i would like to copy the necessary bits for you lot to read to see what my system is doing but i dont know how

    So can anyone help Thanks
  2. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    Who fitted the new motherboard?

    How are you trying to connect to the internet?

    Before we start accusing Windows of anything we need to know that the new installation is finished, with all its drivers properly in place.

    I would seriously advise against running any scans, cleaners or other 'system changing' tools until this is confirmed.
  3. DC999

    DC999 Private E-2


    Thanks for that

    I am using service pak 2 and version 6.0.2900.2180

    I have looked at the start up list and so mucha has alreaddy gone, i'm not sure where but it no longer looks a problem

    I am having trouble attaching the screenshot, keeps telling me its failed (will keep trying)


    A local computer shop installed it and he has given me the driver disc. he said keep it safe, nothing about having to use it, how can i check his work ??

    I'm connecting via cable broadband and using msn instead of explorer for now

  4. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    What I am asking concerns the connection between your modem and your repaired pc.

    Is it a USB or ethernet connection?

    The shop may or may not have used the same type of connection, and so IE may be set for the shop's connection, rather than yours.

    You may have to re-install your Virgin broadband - did you not get a disk with it?

    The shop may not have installed the ethernet drivers for your motherboard if you are using this.

    Hold the windows key down and press pause/break.

    Open Device Manager on the hardware tab.

    Are there any yellow triangles, question marks or unknown devices shown?
    What is shown under network adapters?
  5. DC999

    DC999 Private E-2


    I have updated IE with version 7 and all the shortcuts now work and is has not crashed again. So far so good. I also checked the my connections and i have an ethernet cable. Re Virgin broadban, the PC Guard service used to load automatically when the computer was turned on, now i have to do this manually. I have checked the device manager and there are 2 yellow question marks. one is an extension of the other and the extension has a black ! in a yellow circle over it. The properties for this state it is an unknown divice that is located at "PCI bus 0, device 2, function 7" and that "The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) To reinstall the drivers for this device, click Reinstall Driver" ( i have not done this). Above these two on the list is the Network adapter showing that the ethernet device is working correctly its line reads
    "SIS 900 Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter"

    Thanks for your help and sorry for the delay in replying
  6. DC999

    DC999 Private E-2


    Thanks for the advice, IE 7 is working a treat and yes i can connect through Virgin

    (still cant post the system processes yet though) will keep trying
  7. DC999

    DC999 Private E-2

    ok but what is it, it just claims to be an unknow device ??

    i have checked cleaner and its not showing on the start up menu at all
  8. DC999

    DC999 Private E-2

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a><br /><br /><a href="" title="QuickPost"><img src="" alt="QuickPost" border="0"></a> Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
  9. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    I particularly asked about network adapters.!!!

    Reinstall the driver by clicking on reinstall. Either use the driver CD your shop supplied or click yes to find driver on the internet.

    Or best take it back to the shop and ask why they didn't do this.

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