Considering a new multimedia system...

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by javyn winterkhaos, Oct 29, 2005.

  1. javyn winterkhaos

    javyn winterkhaos Private E-2

    I haven't built a PC in a long while, been using a laptop for the last few years. With the popularity of the Ipods and whatnot; the putting more into a smaller package trend is really getting to me. Especially when I turn around in my small room and see my monstrous, outdated stereo system taking up tons of badly needed space.

    I am thinking about selling my receiver, VCR, and DVD players and replacing them with a PC built for multimedia. Hardware is cheap enough these days and even a PC would be smaller than what I have now.

    I am seeking advice on a nice video card and sound card for this purpose. Do they make soundcards with built in ampifiers or something that could power my 4 foot tall 100 watt tower speakers and subwoofer? If not, are there solutions out there that I can add to the computer to make this work?

    Also, are there any good video cards out there for say outputting to a television as well as a monitor? Please note, gaming is NOT an issue. Having a laptop has thankfully weaned me off of the need to game. :)

    Thanks guys.

  2. javyn winterkhaos

    javyn winterkhaos Private E-2

  3. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    i would go with nvidia 7800 for video, and soundblaster audigy 2zs or can get the soundblaster with a remote and a front control panel (on the computer).

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