Convert alot of AVIs to single DVD

Discussion in 'Software' started by dlb, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    I have a bunch of AVI clips ranging in size from 15mb to over 100mb. They were all encoded at the same bit rate, same aspect ratio, same resolution. I know I can join them together into a seamless smooth single file using Virtual Dub, but I'd have to do it one clip at a time and with 40+ clips, I can't handle that much repetitive monotony. I have a few AVI to DVD converters; will one of these join all the individual AVI files into one single DVD 'movie'? I don't want any breaks or pauses between the clips. They have to flow seamlessly from one to the next. I have the following apps at my disposal: DVD Flick, ConvertX, WinAVI, many different flavors of Virtual Dub, AVIdemux. I think I did something similar once before with DVD Flick, but it was only 3 clips, so adding 'em to the project wasn't a big deal. DVD Flick doesn't support dragondrop so I'd have to browse to each clip and add it individually..... so.... any ideas?
  2. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    I'm pretty sure DVD Flick would be your best bet. I too wish it supported drag 'n' drop, though!
  3. Appzalien

    Appzalien Staff Sergeant

    Are you sure V Dub will only do 2 at a time? I swear I appended 5, maybe 6 files at once a while back. You still have to select them one at a time but I don't see a problem with selecting 20 or more files. If you move the slider to the end before each append you will be able to backup alittle (Key Frame Back) and view the join.

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