Discussion in 'Hardware' started by armymom13b, Jun 6, 2007.

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  1. armymom13b

    armymom13b Private E-2

    My current ISP (Highstream) is being bought out (PeoplePC) and since I hate being told what to do, I went searching for a new ISP. Tried Juno for 2 days :puke - never seen anything so cumbersome. Went surfing and found an AMERICAN owned/based company, downloaded them, integrated up and running in less than 15 minutes :clap Even called their tech support (FREE call, FREE tech/customer service) to solve small issue with "accelerator" feature - fixed problem over the phone in record time; no waiting on hold, no "you must be stupid" attitude... told them I was going to get a bumper sticker made to advertise for them :cloud9. Anybody looking for an extremely affordable ($9.95/regular; $14.95/turbo, FIRST 90 DAYS FREE) ISP... check them out
  2. dan.dnl

    dan.dnl Private E-2

    I am interested how did fix the accelerator issue. I just connected today, and it work really slow (6-7kb/s).
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