Copying photos from camera to PC

Discussion in 'Software' started by pepsi100, Jul 10, 2010.

  1. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    I'm not sure if I will get any replies, but here goes (because this is really basic)

    When I plug in my camera, I used to get a box open up and ask what I wanted to do with them (view, copy, delete)

    I'm not quite sure what has happened now, but I no longer get this box to open up (I think its somewhere in the settings)

    The autoplay box doesnt open up, in fact when I connect the camera, nothing opens up (even if its a memory stick or external hard drive, I have to go into 'my computer' and look for it)

    It always seems to happen after some update or the other, beats me why

    I am now having to go into 'my computer' and rename them, then move (or copy ) them, then put them into a folder,

    I know this isnt hard, but its a annoying really

    The problem is on the PC, not my laptop

    oops, forgot to add, I'm using XP on my PC and Windows 7 on my laptop (the memory) on my laptop isnt that big so I dont keep many photos on there

    I have tried ADD Hardware, that gave me an icon in My Computer, but it wont read from it, or import, says there is nothing there (cant get rid of the icon now, either)
  2. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

    I believe you will find it in control panel, set default programs, or auto play options. ed
  3. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    I understand your main question here. I'm just wondering why you need to rename your photos under the manual procedure. Were you not renaming them when the computer was automatically displaying the options? Why would a different way of getting your photos involve renaming them if you did not to that when your computer was working the other way?
  4. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    The camera doesnt show up as a camera, it shows as a external drive, When I said I have to go into my computer, I do, then I open up the external drive (which is the camera, then op[en up the photos, rename them, then move them

    I have tried........right click, properties (on the external drive, the camera)

    Open up the drop down, select photos, select prompt everytime, click apply, then ok

    Turn off camera, turn camera back on, still shows as a removable drive, but no pop up box with any options

    Tried a PC reboot and then turned on camera, that never worked either
  5. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    I don't know what to suggest other than what tunered suggested. I'm still wondering why you rename the photos. Again, were you doing that when the computer was working the way you want it to work?
  6. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    I dont get any pop up box when I turn on the camera, so I have to go into the external drice (the camera), I open up the pictures and they are named in there as a string of numbers, I rename them, to the event or whatever, then I move them (I rename them, as I dont want a string of numbers for my photos)

    As I said previously, when I plugged in and turned on my camera, I used to get a box open up, asking me what I wanted to do with them, I used to copy them to a folder in 'my pictures' I had the option to name a folder to put them in, this now doesnt happen, there was a Windows update (I have no idea which one) and this doesnt happen now
  7. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Do you have a Restore Point dating back to a date prior to when this change in Windows behavior started? If so, you could restore back to that date and see whether the desired behavior is restored.
  8. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    I thought about the restore, I tried it, but made no difference,

    At the moment, I plug in the camera, turn it on, the external drive shows up (which is the camera)
    Open up the file in there, that contains my photos, I select all, rename them, then I open up my pictures, make a new folder, then I move the photos (that I have renamed) to the new folder

    Its a bit of a long winded way of doing it, but thats all I can do at the moment until I can find an answer to this problem
  9. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Hmm, how do you rename all of them at once? Do you give them all the same name but allow Windows to add extensions, such as (2), (3), etc., to the names to differentiate them?

    Your procedure seems convoluted to me. I would simply copy all the photos to a new folder in My Pictures. If I wanted to do some renaming, I'd do that after copying the photos to the folder on the hard drive. The renaming could be done then or any time thereafter.

    Edit: By the way, I normally remove the photo memory card from my camera and insert it into a small card reader device that I then connect to a USB port. That way, no worries about camera batteries going dead during a transfer of photos to the computer.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  10. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    Yes I know I can do it that way, and as to rename them, thats easy, select all, rename, then move (to whatever folder you like) they all have the same name, just a different number on them (1-50 say)

    If you dont rename them, and you move another lot of pictures to the same folder, you end up replaceing anything else in there

    But that isnt the way I want to do things

    I want to plug in the camera, turn it on, a box opens asking what I want to do with them (copy, move, print, view) at the moment, I am not getting that option

    I never have problems with batteries going flat;)

    I only use a USB card reader if there isnt a USB plug on the camera
  11. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    If you erase a batch of photos from your camera, then it will start over with the numbering pattern it uses to "name" photos. Is that what you mean? If so, then, yes, you would encounter duplicate "names" when copying a new batch of photos to an existing folder containing photos from previous batches of photos from your camera. But, that would not result in loss of photos if you do the procedure correctly. Windows will alert you when if it sees that you are trying to copy files (photos or any other file) from one location to another and file names are the same for both locations. At that point, I would create a new folder for the new batch of photos being copied to the hard drive.

    But, everyone has their preferences as to how they like to do such tasks as transferring photos from camera to computer. I don't want to belabor this discussion any further. I have no further advice on resolving the underlying issue (Windows response when you attach the camera). Perhaps other forum members may have some suggestions.
  12. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    Hope so, I have tried your suggestions, unfortunately they didnt work, thanks anyway, it was appreciated;)
  13. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    This may have been addressed already (I haven't read all the posts), but the fact that your camera isn't showing up as a camera...

    Did you install the driver for it? The camera should have a driver and download software that should allow you to instruct it as far as how to name each file and in what folder to put them.
  14. pepsi100

    pepsi100 Guest

    I still have the problem, I have never needed to install any drivers, it was just plug and play
    Whatever I used to plug in, if it had anything on it, I used to get a box open up, asking what I wanted to deo

    Only reason I would use any camera software would be so I use their software, rather than windows

    As a note, to a previous reply, I cant find default programs, or auto play my control panel, does it have any other names (this is XP Pro)
  15. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    Kind of following LauraR's lead here. If you go to Control Panel > Scanners and Cameras while the camera is plugged into the computer and powered on, does it show up at all? If not, maybe try the "Add Device" Wizard.

    Just for good measure might want to check in services and see if the "Plug and Play" service is set to "Automatic" and is "Started".

    To bring up services, press the Windows key + R key combination, in the run box type services.msc and click the OK button.

    I may have missed it, but if you try different usb ports do you get the same results? One other thought, have you looked in "Device Manager" to see if there are any yellow " ? " or " ! " showing up?

    For the "Device Manager", bring the run box up again and type compmgmt.msc, click the OK button. In the tree on the left, look for and click on "Device Manager".

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