corel photo album is agressive on startup

Discussion in 'Software' started by rob0, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. rob0

    rob0 Private E-2

    Whenever I log on to the computer, windows installer starts running and it turns into an updater or installer for corel photo album 6. I cannot get rid of it with the cancel button. It cannot run it's course because it requests a CD I either do not have or cannot find. It just keeps coming back until I use the task manager to get rid of it. This drastically slows down startup. How do I get rid of this.

    It started because after I disabled msconfig for the malware removal forum.

    Also, due to combofix, the clock on the computer is stuck in military time. I cannot find an option to switch it back.

    I asked these over in the malware forum, but it's a bit backed up over there and I'm repeating these questions over here since they aren't really malware questions.
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I assume you are running XP. To reset the clock:
    Control Panel -> Regional Settings -> click on the Time tab and choose the format h:mm:ss tt

    For Corel photo album, open the program and see if there is a setting to check for updates. If so, turn it off.
  3. rob0

    rob0 Private E-2

    It will now take me a while to get back to working on this computer because for the next couple of months, I will have access to it only on weekends.

    The time is fixed. Thankyou.

    before reading your response about a week ago, I thought I could fix the problem simply by uninstalling corel photo album. I don't know that that anyone used it.

    Doing this only shifted the problem. Now when I log on, the installation window is for "Sonic Activation Module".

    Someone suggested that I use windows install cleanup, but I don't know whether this will disable something that I need and I don't know that I have the backup disks. Someone lost a lot of our backup disks and it has cheesed me off.
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

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