CPU - Intel PentiumD 940 (3.2 GHz)

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ItWasLuck, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. ItWasLuck

    ItWasLuck Private E-2

    I think I have a problem with my CPU but I'm not exactly sure so I'll try to explain it.

    When I use PC Wizard 2008 to look at my processor settings its telling me that my processor is running at a multiplier of 12 but the initial multiplier is 16 and because its at 12 the processor is running at 2.3 GHz but windows says its running at 3.2 still. So being the exploring person I am I decided to check my BIOS for settings that might fix this, but my BIOS only has one setting for the Processor and thats Single core mode and when I select that I go back to x16 multiplier and my information from PC Wizard 2008 now shows this.

    Single Core Mode (Enabled)

    Single Core Mode (Disabled)

    So I'm wondering why when I disable single core mode does my multiplier go down and why does it show my processor as running at 2.3 GHz?.

    Is this a hardware problem? Or is this like a "Feature" of Pentium D's?

    Also when I don't use "Single Core Mode" games I play like Guildwars seem to detect "Overheating Problems and close". Is this a problem with faulty hardware because when I run it in single core mode Guildwars runs fine, doesn't crash, etc.

    This is the Error message I receive when I play Guildwars with Single Core Mode Disabled.
    *--> Crash <--*
    Exception: c0000005
    Memory at address 7e02fe31 could not be read
    App: Gw.exe
    ProgramId: 1
    Build: 25107
    When: 2/7/2008 13:39:39
    Flags: 0x1
  2. ItWasLuck

    ItWasLuck Private E-2

    2 Days later and no response, I'll take it that no one knows why my CPU is being identified as 2.3 GHz
  3. mikkh

    mikkh Private First Class

    Pretty pictures, but you haven't given a lot of info about the rest of your system - in particular, and the most important info; which motherboard are we talking about?

    Without knowing what board it is, I'd take a guess at it being the motherboard not fully supporting that particular CPU
  4. mikkh

    mikkh Private First Class

    ...... maybe there's a BIOS update that cures it ?
  5. ItWasLuck

    ItWasLuck Private E-2

    Intel D945GCL (Made for Gateway).

    I cannot actually find a BIOS update that works for this motherboard. The BIOS update at the Intel Website notifies me that the BIOS update I'm installing "Isn't" for my motherboard (even though it is :p). And the BIOS from Gateway is the exact version I have installed right now.

    Also when my Processor goes over 50% Usage PC Wizard says that its running at 3.1GHz (3194 MHz).

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