Crap! Only one problem when I formatted

Discussion in 'Software' started by Matth3w, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. Matth3w

    Matth3w Corporal

    Ok so I just upgraded my system. obviously i reformatted win xp home. everything seems to have went perfect, EXCEPT:

    i installed the Ati drivers, newest. installs fine, shows as installed fine in hardware manager. but there are two unknown devices that try to install upon startup. i have no clue what they are, but they both say they are located on Raedon, and that is the only information or clue i have.

    I am about to try to reinstall the drivers for the third time to see if it works, but if you have any ideas that would be great.
  2. Matth3w

    Matth3w Corporal

  3. Matth3w

    Matth3w Corporal

  4. Matth3w

    Matth3w Corporal

    737-19730: 'Unknown Device' appears in Windows XP 64 after installing Catalyst

    The information in this article applies to the following configuration(s):
    Catalyst 5.5 and higher
    Windows XP Professional 64 bit edition
    After installing Catalyst, an unknown device will appear on the desktop and Windows and will be unable to find an appropriate driver.

    There appears to be a problem with Windows recognizing the WDM driver after Catalyst is installed.

    To workaround this issue, please install Catalyst 5.4

    ATI Engineering has been advised of this issue and is investigating. Any updates will be published when they become available.


    ^^^this is all i could find ont he ATi site, but it doesnt work. comes pretty close to my problem though.
  5. SFTCRellik

    SFTCRellik Private E-2

    did u have a video card before the one u have now? try unistalling driver and installing driver that came with card. This is also why i myself have been a Nvidia man, never ever had problems like this :)
  6. Matth3w

    Matth3w Corporal

    i didnt have problems either before i upgraded my system, that i know of. same card. believe me ive uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers so many damn times its unreal.
  7. SFTCRellik

    SFTCRellik Private E-2

    i need info on what u upgraded!!

  8. Matth3w

    Matth3w Corporal

    i fixed it. the issue was with the new catalyst drivers. they dont come with WMD or whatever the hell it is. only if you choose the dial up connections driver download does it install that driver, which is dumb, but thats what i found out.
  9. SFTCRellik

    SFTCRellik Private E-2

    well just get the old driver and u should be good to go,,, buts that good u got it fixed...HURRAY!! :)

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