Crash guard

Discussion in 'Software' started by walkingshores, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. walkingshores

    walkingshores Private E-2

    I am working on a multimedia project with a deadline staring down on me. I began getting these messages:

    Error in module
    mxmpeg2.dll at address 0x04523093
    Exception -xc000005

    Magix Photostory on CD & DVD Attention@ The software might work improperly due to damaged internal data structures.

    Error in module
    "UNKNOWN" at address
    Exception 0xc0000ld

    WARNING! Possibly internal data structures are destroyed and the saved project is damaged. It is recommended to save the project under new name & verify it after restarting the program.

    I am desperate!

    I restored to a date BEFORE I downloaded and installed Windows Media Encoder 9 (that's as close as I can get to the exact name) and things seemed to be working fine as they were before I installed it. The person I am creating the multimedia program for sent a DVD to me with Yes DVD software on it and that software required the encoder. The encoder caused a conflict with the media software I was using on my computer. At this time it appears that media encoder, YES and Magix don't mix - or Magix and the encoder don't work and play well together. The problem remains that I am not sure I want to go through these kind of near crash events to get his stills and videos off of the DVD. Not sure what the problem had to do with Glb1a2b.exe, but that is when it popped up also. The restore helped, but it didn't solve the problem. If I can't solve this problem, I lose the job and have to return the front dollars. I don't know what to do. If you can help, I would appreciate it. The deadline is close upon me.
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    This is malware. Read this article and follow the steps exactly as they are described. If you still have problems, post in the malware removal forum until they give you a "thumbs up" and say that the PC is clean. Then come back here if your other problems still exist. Good luck!
  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

  4. walkingshores

    walkingshores Private E-2

    Thank you. I don't read/speak anything but English! God Bless America. Do you think it is time I dump the Magix software and go for something closer to home? If so, what?
  5. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

  6. walkingshores

    walkingshores Private E-2

    I have been trying parts of that in bits and pieces. I don't like to try anything without checking MajorGeeks first. You're the best!

    Do you think different mutimedia software might help me?
  7. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    I'm sorry I don't know much about multimedia, just like to troubleshoot software. Someone with experience in that area hopefully will come along with more options for you,
  8. walkingshores

    walkingshores Private E-2

    Thank you! I appreciate your concern and your help. I'll let you know what happens. Wish me luck and say a little prayer.
  9. walkingshores

    walkingshores Private E-2

    What does it mean that it is too big for my computer? I have a lot of memory and disk space. I don't understand. I'm not sure what to do. Is it malware or software or disk space?
  10. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    You need to explain what it is. Posting the program and the exact error message will help anyone trying to help you.
  11. walkingshores

    walkingshores Private E-2

    Today I bit the bullett and took my pc to a computer doctor. Before I went I e-mailed everything I had received from sys check, error messages, etc to him. He checked my computer from top to bottom - memory check - everything. He gave it a clean bill of health and told me it is a software issue. I told him that I always go to before I do anything mfg tech support people tell me to do. He smiled and said he frequents the site also and for me to continue going to you first and/or running things by your people before I do anything. The best money I have spent in a long time.

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