cs sound prob breaking my ears +NHL2004 making me have heart attacks

Discussion in 'Software' started by vizor, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. vizor

    vizor Private E-2

    omg please help. when i load cs 1.6 (steam) every frickin server the sound echos...like from left to right speaker with about a 0.5 second delay!!!! sometimes it wont tho if i restart the game enuff times!!! help!!

    and nhl2004 OMG...internet explorer script error everytime i try to play so now i cnat play. i reinstalled literally 8 times and it doesnt work. script error on this file in the game.. C:\easports\nhl2004\fe\nhl\html\game_setup.html. please help i need gaming again!!!

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Dont know what computer you have, or sound card so I can only take some wild stabs here. A generic answer is to be sure you have all updated drivers, not just the sound card, but the motherboard. If its a soundblaster card, make sure you have checked the appropriate speaker selection that matches what your doing in the control panel. Also, SB cards have a digital output option. If your using it, try not using it and vice versa.
  3. vizor

    vizor Private E-2

    hmm...ill narrow it down.

    -asus p4b533 mobo
    -p4 2.6
    -sb live 1.5
    -pandex nvidia geforce mx 440 64mb
    -512 ram
    -80gb hd
    -Labtec 2 speakers
    -updated drivers
  4. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    try removing eax support if its enabled; and if its not try enabling it if you have proper sound card. also in console try room_off 1

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