D850 56K V.9x DFVc Modem Driver update

Discussion in 'Software' started by Bevysue63, May 9, 2009.

  1. Bevysue63

    Bevysue63 Private E-2

    I used driverguide.com to scan my computer and found that my modem driver needs to be updated. Isn't there anyplace to get an update without paying a fee to get that done? I sure don't want to have to pay $15.00 just to get my modem updated. I just thought that was a free service. Thanks
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Bevysue

    Is your modem one in use?
    Is it working ok?
    Do you use broadband for your internet?

    To be honest if you answer no to top one and yes to bottom two then you have no need to update this modems driver, as updating without the need to can cause all sorts of issues. The D850 series drivers and last known ones are from around 2005.

    Also while these driver scanner can highlight out of date drivers, what they dont do is to accurately find the exact driver as in many cases the onboard hardware added to PCs from HP, DELL, SONY etc are in the main are custom spec'd chips and to work properly need the driver from the original maker as in HP, DELL etc
  3. Bevysue63

    Bevysue63 Private E-2

    Hi Halo - Yes, I am using this modem right now. The one that was in the computer when I purchased it new went bad so I replaced it with the D850 modem. I have dialup where I live so if you've ever had that, you know how that works. I am using Copper.net, which is located here in Ohio and they do not install any software when you start using them. Free tech support. Now, when I am connected to them, there are 2 small computers in my lower toolbar that light up when my bytes being sent and received is working right. When the computer lights go off, the computer basically stops moving. I would really like to know why this happens. No one seems to know. It is not my ISP causing this because I also have the free version of Netzero installed and the same thing happens when I am connected to them. I think it's the modem driver. I may have downloaded the wrong driver when I put the new modem in. I don't know how to check to see what driver I need to fix my aggravating problem! Thanks for trying to help me.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Bevysue

    Yes indeed I know dialup networking well, from when first on the net with a 9600 baud modem, luckily my area has had ADSL for many many years, so know your plight with dialup.

    Ah ok, if modem driver, here is free download of version 7.33 of that modems driver (sadly need to register with ZDNET but they are a legit site and I have account with them for many years) http://downloads.zdnet.com/abstract.aspx?docid=521151&promo=100511

    What is your Windows version BTW? just helps if we need to check other things.

    Before installing the driver, open up Device Manager, depending on your version of Windows here are all the options to locate this. Once open find your modem and then double click it to get the properties menu and click Driver tab and find what version it is, also click Update and see if Windows finds an update for you.
  5. Bevysue63

    Bevysue63 Private E-2

    Halo - I have Windows XP Service Pack 3. I do NOT use IE but have version 6 when I do use it. I am currently using Firefox. I like it much better than IE, which seems to "hang" a lot, especially the later versions. I am going to use the address you sent to me to for ZDNET. Don't mind registering. If you did it with no probs, then I know I can. lol Thank you so much for your time and help. I'll let you know if this helps. Have a good day! Bev
  6. Bevysue63

    Bevysue63 Private E-2

    Halo - I have version dated 1-7-04 on the D850 modem. I downloaded the version 7.33 but it is telling me to insert a disk, which I don't have. I am lost now. That version is dated 2005 so it has to be an updated version to what I have. However, I do not know how to get it because of the unzipping and not having a disk. Any other solution? thank you! Bev
  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Bev

    Did you manage to unzip it or is that part of the problem? if you did manage to unzip it and then look in this location C:\dell\drivers\R128449 and double click the setup file.

    When downloading it did you choose save or run, if run then re-download and choose save and save it to your desktop, then unzip.

    I just downloaded it myself to check and then went through the installer in an XP machine of mine, dont have a modem in it but wanted to see what the installer did, and didnt ask me for a disk.

    If the setup file is for some reason asking you for a disk, then we can manually install this by opening Device Manager up and going to your modem, double click to open up the properties and choose Driver then update driver > no not at this time > install from a specific location > dont search I will choose the driver to install > have disk and then browse to C:\dell\drivers\R128449 > click open > then ok and follow the prompts to install the driver.
  8. Bevysue63

    Bevysue63 Private E-2

    Hi Halo - I'm starting to get wired! I could not unzip the file. I tried what you suggested and that just didn't work. I saved it to my desktop and here's the message I got when I tried to unzip it:

    "This self-extracting zip file is part of a multidisk zip file. Please insert the last disk of the set." Then it told me that it was error code 190. Should I go to Dell's website and see if I can find the modem and maybe, just maybe, get lucky and be able to download it from there? I am ready to climb the walls! Thanks again. You don't need to spend anymore of your valuable time on me. I'll figure it out or maybe I need to buy a new puter. I've had this one for a while. Bev
  9. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Bev

    Nah no need to buy a new computer just yet and my time, well I can juggle things to give me as much time to help as I can.

    So try this I unzipped the files for you and added them to my online skydrive, so just create a temp folder on your desktop say called Modem Drivers and then download the files from here into it, then run setup or the manual instructions if the setup file not work.

    So dont climb the walls just yet ;)
  10. Bevysue63

    Bevysue63 Private E-2

    Halo - Just a quick note to let you know what I did. I took this modem out and put the one back in that came with the computer. The only reason I took it out was because my ISP kept telling me that my modem was most likely bad causing a different set of problems at that time. It's working fine! I did the modem test and everything checked out fine. So, I'm able to play Pogo.com again and am very grateful for the time you took to offer support. I'm good to go again! Thanks again. Bev

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