Damaged laptop screen

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Pozzydrive, Jun 11, 2005.

  1. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal

    My brother-in-law has just bought a new Acer TravelMate 4050 laptop, no one is sure how it happened or are not owning up to it but somehow the screen has been damaged, at least a third of it has turned white at the bottom with a leaf like pattern in the bottom left corner leaving two thirds of the screen working, its probably been dropped or accidently kicked when lying on the floor, unfortunately its not insured, a couple of questions as part of the screen is visible is there anyway to reduce the screen size to fit that which is working, second question can he fit an extra screen via the USB 2 connection.
  2. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Fit another screen via the USB connection?!?!

    Uh, most laptops have VGA outputs on them, so getting a monitor should help.

    Not insured? As in he didn't buy a warranty for the laptop? That is crazy! Always buy the MAXIMUM warranty. Laptops are expensive to repair....I know, cause I've worked on repairing them.
  3. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal

    Thanks for that, he agrees he should have bought a warranty, usually he does buy the warranty when purchasing electrical goods, however its no good after the fact or crying after spilt milk, once again thankyou.

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