Database conversion issues.

Discussion in 'Software' started by drzeep, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. drzeep

    drzeep Private E-2

    Hello, the company that I work for has an issue I can not resolve.
    We have acquired a database created in the late 80’son the MAC platform in fourth dimension (4D) database software.
    There is not a ton of DATA it is a small data set – we would like to hire someone to open the data in 4D and move the information to a more PC friendly program like Excel or Word.
    Please Email me if you think you might be able to help.

    Thank you
    Wade Kirkpatrick
  2. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    I see, your gonna ask some random stranger on the net to handle your data? Hum great idea sir, you win!
  3. Kodo


    that's why there's contracts..
    C'mon, Coleman.. what do you think people do when they hire anyone.. ? They are still strangers.
  4. drzeep

    drzeep Private E-2

    Not that I feel like I need to explain myself.

    The Data is geologic data- no trade secrets just reports, if you want to know about the soil composition in northern Nevada I will happy discuses it with anyone interested.
    Secondly and more to the point the Data is really not much use too me if I cant view it…. And that is where I am at right now.

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