deleted c:/windows/temp .. oh man

Discussion in 'Software' started by huntin, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. huntin

    huntin Private E-2

    i deleted an entire windows temporary folder. i feel like an idiot..

    running win98, with a 2k mhz computer (or something of that nature) with like 500 meg of ram.

    i have since replaced the old temp folder with one from another computer running win98 i have networked, but it doesn't appear to have helped very much. would reinstalling all programs be the best way to fix the error, or is there another way? im having probs with.. basically everything, i think. get error boxes popping up in the middle of nowhere. comp hangs every five seconds after error box pops, after about the third hang up i need to manually shut it down. is installing every program the best way to fix the problem or will i have to reinstall win98 as well?

    changing os ain't an option.
  2. Zyto

    Zyto Private First Class

    Re: deleted c:/windows/temp .. oh shit

    What kind of problems are you having? I ask because deleting the Temp folder won’t hurt windows that’s why it's called temp. It’s a temporary storage place used while installing applications and other windows processes. The problems you are having are merely coincidence. if you are truely having problems with "everything" try using registry mechanic it works really well and one of the only programs i trust to "fix" the registry.

    if that doesn't help you, your only option may be to reinstall windows.
  3. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Re: deleted c:/windows/temp .. oh shit

    Agree with Zyto, if you deleted c:\windows\temp folder don't worry as Windows recreates it next time you start Windows. There are lots of free programs to help get your system running smoothly but we need to know more specifics on your problems so cures can be suggested. Bazza


  4. huntin

    huntin Private E-2

    i get error messages like i've never seen before.

    they just say Error in the title bar, and nothing else, quite a small box, too

    this is usually after running spybot.

    these cause the hangups.

    computer was running fine, i deleted whole temp folder.. then i downloaded avg and removed four viruses. now i get these error messages.
  5. huntin

    huntin Private E-2

    wait i just realized i forgot a major problem. every time i open windows explorer to look at my files, i can't get in, i get an error and windows explorer needs to close. trouble is, with my other computer that is networked i can look at the files just fine. i cant look at any files using windows explorer using the other computer, only this one. (im on the networked computer now.)

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