Dell 1110 Printer Grief

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Amaterasu, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Private E-2

    This may be a little complicated. I probably did this to myself. I was laid off in Feburary and have been spending more time than usual on my computer. Mostly on job listing websites, hanging out with those stupid facebook games, a friend was trying to show me Second Life (since uninstalled - it never worked right no matter what coaching I got), and a few vintage sewing websites. My surfing has been limited. My computer is an HP Pavision Slimline, and I have Windows Vista. They were purchased back in August 2009, and I have had no serious problems since then.

    I noticed more and more "little glitches" and about a week ago ran my scan disk and defragment in order to clean things up. My printer has not worked since, although other things are a little better. However, I can no longer print. I got an error that read - res://ieframe.dll/preview.js.:cry:cry:cry It keeps telling me the printer, on a USB port, is not there. I have turned everything off, and unplugged it all, and rehooked it all back up again. So I tried to uninstall my printer drivers so that I could reinstall. I could not uninstall because they were not there. I can't tell you what ate them. I ended up following the directions of my computer and ran the scan disk, which I don't think found anything. Then I went back six weeks on System Restore and then updated my McAfee and all my Windows updates, hoping that would do it.

    I was able to resintall the printer drivers but then when I tried to print it told me I had to add a printer. The Dell 1110 is on the list, but it will not recognize it. Plus, when I got to Add Printer and select Dell, the 1110 is not on the list, and when I put in the Printer Drivers Disk - I could not get it to recognize it.

    I have not been able to, as an aside, to get my spell checker working on my Outlook. That and the printer are a double whammy. I am running low on resumes to take to job interviews, and when people want e-mail submission - I can't spell check or print out my e-mail submissions for proofreading purposes.

    Then I downloaded Spybot S&D, in the hopes of finding something McAfee missed. I suspect I have snarled it up good. Any thoughts on what I have done to myself?
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  3. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Private E-2

    I tried to run the command as a DOS prompt, as you instructed me. This is the error message I received.

    The module "actxprxy.dll" was loaded but the call to DLLRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005.

    Whatever that means. Does anyone have any idea what I did to myself. I don't want to take this into the shop while out of work, and I certainly have plenty of time to fix it myself. :wave
  4. scajjr

    scajjr Sergeant

    Find cmd.exe in the Windows\System32 directory, right click on it and click on "Run as Administrator".
    That error code is usually a result of NOT running cmd.exe as administrator.

  5. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Private E-2

    Thanks, Sam.

    I followed your directions exactly and it seemed to take the command. Then I logged off and rebooted my computer, and it does not seem to have made any difference at all.

    When I go to Control Panel and look under the Printers tab, the Dell 1110 is there and checked as ready. When I try to print, the Dell 1110 is there as a selection. So, my computer seems to be acknowledging that it is there.

    But, it will not let me select the printer, it keeps defaulting to the XPS Document Writer now.

    Does anyone know what I did, so I can NOT do it again? I have now spent two days off and on working on this..... Sigh. :confused
  6. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Here is a thought. :) Do you even use the XPS Document writer? I really don't know who does. Just go to the printers area, and delete it. Then try again. :)
  7. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Note, I have pretty much removed that item from most of our work computers. So, it hasn't harmed anyone.
  8. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Private E-2

    Re: Dell 1110 Printer Grief - Sob

    theefool - I went and did what you asked. I deleted XPS, and my printer still did not work. So, I uninstalled all my Dell Printer Drivers, and then shut completely down. When I booted back up again, the computer immediately found my hardware (yeah - it had not even been able to do that for five days) and asked for the drivers. Victory, or so I thought.

    I installed the drivers and it seemed to go normally. Until I got to printing the test page. What I got was this.

    "Operation could not be completed (error 0X000003f0).

    So, I went and opened an short e-mail, to test print that. This is what I got.

    "An error has occurred in the script on this page."

    Line: 2032
    Char: 1
    Error: Specified error.
    Code: 0
    URL: res.ieframe.dll/preview.js

    "Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?"

    This is the error that started the whole mess last Thursday - immediately after I spent last Wednesday running my scan disk and defrag to clean up my system. Whether you answer yes or no, it pretty much freezes your application. It is not just Outlook. It will not let me print from the internet or my Word.

    Now what? :cry
  9. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Are you using the latest drivers from dell?
  10. theefool

    theefool Geekified

  11. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Private E-2


    I am using the Drivers Disk the machine came with, which may be four or five years old. So, I thought maybe a Vista update did it, and I was scanning and defragging for no reason.

    I went to Dell to try and download the most recent version of the drivers. I thought I did, although they were Oct. 2009, which doesn't seem all that recent. So, I followed the directions including once downloading the drivers, then going to Run, then typing in c:\DELL\DRIVERS\R241038 to execute what I downloaded. But it did not work.

    Either Bill Gates deserves to die for Vista, I am terminally brain dead, or both. I followed your link, and to be honest, did not understand it. Sorry, but I may be too dense to help easily. I always thought of myself as computer literate before this, but in eight years of owning my own machine, I have never been so stumped.

    I have heard talk of Mozilla. Once (or if) I get this resolved, will having Mozilla for e-mail and web browsing help me in the future? Provided I don't set fire to my printer first.:-o
  12. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Private E-2

    This post probably needs to be moved to the software thread. I just don't know how to do that. Can someone move it for me, I think this is all drivers problems now.

    The Gang at the Geeks has helped me repair my registry. So, my computer now recognizes that my printer is there, which is a huge help.

    But, at this point, I have not been able to get the drivers to work. Since my drivers disk is 4 or 5 years old, and I now have VISTA 64 bit, I have made several attempts to get updated drivers from the Dell website.

    I uninstalled all Dell drivers several times, to start clean each time. I followed the directions step by step. I get as far as typing the location of the drivers into the RUN area, and it does not finish executing the download. Everything seems to be going fine until that point.

    I attempted to use the clean spool that theefool linked me to, but Windows Resource is not a choice on my All Programs button, so I was unable to do that. I'm stuck.
  13. brandypeppy

    brandypeppy MajorGeek

    And you are using the 64 bit driver from;

    Try uninstalling it again, reboot, printer disconnected.

    Save the download file to the desktop, it will create and install in the proper directory on its own.

    Double click on it, let it begin installation, you should at some point be prompted to plug in the printer.

    I apologize if you have already done it this way, I just didn't see that in your posts. It looked like you already had the printer plugged in and you should wait until you are asked for it.
  14. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Private E-2

    BrandyPeppy -

    I followed your instructions. First, I uninstalled all other Dell drivers. Then I unhooked the printer. I shut completely down. I booted back up again, then I got to your post and followed your link to the exact drivers you wanted me to use. Thank you.

    I clicked on them, and downloaded the driver, saved the icon to the desktop, double clicked the icon to the desk top, it unzipped the files to the location where it wanted them and then opened to those files on the desk top and stopped right there.

    But it did not execute. What can I do to help it along? Thanks.
  15. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Go into the xp2kvist_64 directory and run setup.exe.
  16. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Private E-2

    How many of you remember the movie When Harry Met Sally? Remember the scene in the diner?

    Those are the noises that I am making right now.....

    After six days, defragging, scan disking, System Restore, numerous downloads and patches, taking my computer apart and reconnecting everything in case of a loose connection, repairing my registry, removing my printer drivers, reinstalling my printer drivers, removing my printer drivers, reinstalling my printer drivers, removing my printer drivers, reinstalling my printer drivers, removing my printer drivers, reinstalling my printer drivers - IT IS WORKING!!!!!

    I really appreciate this. The last thing I wanted to do out of work is take this thing into the shop. And while I am submitting my applications on line, since I am visually impaired and do not drive, I need to proofread on paper every application before I click send - I see mistakes better on paper than on my screen.

    This is soooo appreciated. THANK YOU....:-D
  17. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Your welcome, though, Brandypeppy pointed ye in the correct direction, with the proper driver. ;)
  18. brandypeppy

    brandypeppy MajorGeek



    Took me a minute when you referred to Harry met Sally. I always thing of Harry as Clint Eastwood, and I thought there must be some diner scene where he met someone named Sally and shot up the joint. :-D:-D:confused And I assumed you did the same to your puter.

    THEN, I remembered the big "O" scene with Meg Ryan! Then I got it.

    Anyway, glad it got sorted out, have a smoke now. ;)

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