Dell XPS 27 All in One Horror Story

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by tomg, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. tomg

    tomg Private First Class

    Not sure where to start. I bought a top of the line ($3,000) Dell XPS 27 All in One PC about 2.5 years ago. The thing never worked well, but I muscled through a 1/2 dozen support calls with Dell now and then. Finally, when out of warranty, the machine would no longer boot up at all. So I shipped it back to Dell, so they could diagnose/repair it at my cost.
    Just got a phone call today from Dell. The gent's English was very difficult to understand, but what I think I heard is that Dell cannot fix the PC, they don't have the part, and they can no longer obtain the part (for a 2.5 year old PC!!). They are shipping the broken machine back to me.

    I guess my questions are:

    1/has anyone else had a similar experience with Dell, and if so, any tips? Or am I dead in the water with them?

    2/can I send the PC to another repair company? any tips?

    3/I need a desktop PC....definitely not buying Dell...any suggestions in the 1500-2000 dollar range??

    Thanks all.
  2. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If you were on record for this exact same problem during the warranty period and Dell never fixed it, the warranty should still be valid. I would contact them again and complain that you reported the problem several times - hopefully giving them service request numbers as proof.

    As for another repair company, you can certainly try a local repair shop.

    $1500 - $2000 is a very big budget giving you many options. You need to specify what this computer is used for and what you bring to the table (like monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, etc.).

    I have not heard of Dell treating customers in this way. But if the repair center did not have any record of previous contacts for this same problem, then their actions were probably correct.
  3. tomg

    tomg Private First Class

    Thanks for the advice....I've got note into Dell now.

    Another question please: As opposed to drop-kicking this thing out to the curb on garbage day, do you think anyone would buy it as is on E-bay?

    I've already come up with my new PC solution: Microsoft Surface Pro with a large stand along touchscreen monitor and docking station.

    I am snakebit on all in one pc's more for me.

    Thanks for taking the time to advise me.
  4. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    People buy all sorts of things on eBay. It would not hurt to try. Just be honest and say it does not work and someone may buy it for spare parts.

    As far as all-in-one PCs, just note they are basically notebooks with big monitors.

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