Deus Ex video card problem?

Discussion in 'Software' started by spoon_key, Mar 26, 2004.

  1. spoon_key

    spoon_key Private E-2

    Just got Deus Ex 2 but when I click to play the screen goes black and I get the following message

    "Engine requires video card with Pixel Shader 1.1 or greater capabilities"

    My Graphics card is a GeForce 4 MX440 - 64mb DDRram - 8xAGP

    I can play any other graphics intense games no problem so why wont DE2 wont play? Can I sort this error somehow wihout having to purchase a new Gcard?

    Cheers Spoon
  2. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    The GF4 MX series does not have pixel shaders, and will not play that game. Sorry. I've been upset with NVidia since they came out with that series. It's basically an overclocked GeForce 2 card, without even the first generation pixel shaders that the GF3 series introduced. A marketing ploy to sell cheap cards with a new series name.

    Most of the newer games will simply revert to older rendering styles with reduced eye candy, but Deus Ex 2 doesn't. It's a beautiful game, but you've got to have a better card to run it.
  3. spoon_key

    spoon_key Private E-2

    Cheers for the answer, I've only got £50 to get a new card!! Any cards out there that are decent for £50?

    Cheers Spoon
  4. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    £50 is about US $100 right? If so, the best card would be either a Sapphire Radeon 9600 non-Pro, or an FX 5200 Ultra. I would be partial to the Radeon, but for about $100, either of them should be able to play DX2.
  5. Max Powerz

    Max Powerz Sergeant

    Or you could get a Geforce4 Ti4200 or a Radeon 8500/9100 if you can find em. They're not DX9 but they're good DX8 and they're faster then the 9600 with old games withoud AA or AF.
  6. Cad

    Cad Private E-2

    My advice would be to avoid the FX5200 like the plague if you've got an MX440- yes, it'll allow you to play DX2 and PoP, but it's a poor card. I 'upgraded' to a 5200 from my MX440, but ended up swapping back and selling the card to Computer Exchange because in many games the framerates are noticeably WORSE than the MX440. MX440 is a fantastic card, bang for buck (it came top in the TomsHardware FBucks bang for buck measurement). If you really must play DX2 or POP then spend a bit more and get something like a Radeon 9600 Pro (Dabs has some very good value ones), or go for a 'proper' Geforce4 TI- they're very cheap at the moment and very powerful for the money. Although they're not Dx9 they'll play POP and DX2 very nicely indeed. The 5200 is overpriced and underpowered. In the end I bit the bullet and bought a FX5900. Pain on the plastic but easy on the eye :)
  7. Max Powerz

    Max Powerz Sergeant

    OR Radeon 8500/9100, and the 9600 non-pro isn't THAT bad if you can find it for a lot cheaper.

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