Disabling SSID issues

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Lilrojo, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Lilrojo

    Lilrojo Private E-2

    I purchased a Linksys WRT54g router recently. I configured the router to broadcast the SSID which my laptop (Sony) picked up. After learning of the potential harm, I decided to disable the broadcast of the SSID. Unfortunately my Sony laptop will not pick up any signal from the router... What must I do to get the laptop functioning with the router?
  2. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    I don't have the broadcast enabled on my linksys, wouldn't recommend it.
    I would reset the router, unless you have saved settings which you really want to keep. Would then configure the connection on the laptop, try the fix tool by double clicking the network icon in the corner then the restore tab. Are you running SP2?
  3. Lilrojo

    Lilrojo Private E-2

    yep, I am running SP2 and i also tried that fix connection option. I have also reset the router a couple of times already. I am still puzzled.
  4. Stygiis

    Stygiis Private First Class

    If you have disabled the SSID broadcast then your laptop does know it is there. You have to go through the wireless connection manager, either XP or third party, and add a new connection and give it the name of your SSID. The wireless management software should automatically connect at that point.
  5. RickM

    RickM Private First Class

    Stygiis is right on. Use your connection manager and add your SSID to your laptop so it matches your router. Done!
  6. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

    Windows Zero Configuration (WZC) needs the SSID broadcast to be On in order to work correctly (some Wireless Clients need the Broadcast On even with their own utilities).

    Broadcast means that while resting (i.e. the Wireless connection is not use) the Wireless Source transmits burst of signal with its SSID.

    However, switching the Broadcast Off is Not a Big security feature. When the Wireless is actually used it Broadcasts the SSID regardless of the status at Rest.

    Link to: Configuring Wireless Security for small Network.

  7. Lilrojo

    Lilrojo Private E-2

    Thanks for all the help.......

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