Display stuck at 16 colors

Discussion in 'Software' started by splah, May 29, 2005.

  1. splah

    splah Private E-2

    Please help- I just reformated the PC, with Win ME. I do not have the display drivers, just what ME supplied, and I have searched all day for an update, but no luck. I am not very familiar with display drivers, so I don't really know what I am looking for. All I know is my display is really grainy, and pixels are big. I have only 16 bit of color. I used driver guide tool kit to get this information, but it said I have the latest driver that they have, and windows update does not offer me any drivers.
    Thanks for any help!

    Windows Supplied Info
    OS: Windows ME
    Provider: Microsoft
    Class: Display
    Version: 4.0
    Date: 06/08/2000
    Manufacturer: Microsoft
    Device Desc: Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA)
    Hardware ID Derived Info
    Device id: PCI\VEN_5333&DEV_8904&SUBSYS_89045333&REV_01
    Bus: PCI
    Vendor: S3 Inc
    Device: 86C365 Trio3D QFP, 86C366 Trio3D BGA
  2. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    DL and run this EVEREST Home Edition.

    Then post back your MoBO and Video Adapter info. I'll be able to help much better once I know that information.
  3. splah

    splah Private E-2

    Not having much luck, ran Everest home edition, and pc keeps locking up when I click on report.
  4. Kenshin

    Kenshin Private E-2

    Not helpful
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2005
  5. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Ok, Everest not working for you try Aida32.

    Also what is your computer Make and Model, I'll research the info.
  6. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    ME and 2000 aren't even close to the same OS. MS still supports 98, 98SE, ME for the time being. The object here is to assist the poster in resolving their problem, not to dis' them about the OS.
  7. splah

    splah Private E-2

    I hate ME but it's all I can fit on my sons 2 gig, 333 mhz, I would love to have win 2000, but don't have a CD. FYI, I'm a dudette....lol I have xp on all the other pc's

  8. splah

    splah Private E-2

    Same thing is happending with Aida...I don't have a clue why it locks up in the same place..

  9. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Ok, what is the make and model of the computer. S3 Trio 3D is most likely a Diamond Video Adapter.
  10. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    It's an onboard VGA adapter. Definetly need to know Make and Model of the computer.
  11. splah

    splah Private E-2

    This is what I can get from System info
    OS Name Microsoft Windows
    Version 4.90.3000 Build 3000
    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
    System Name ELLIOTT
    System Manufacturer VIA Technologies, Inc.
    System Model VT82C692BX
    System Type X86-based PC
    Processor Intel(r) family 6 model 5 processor GenuineIntel ~333 Mhz
    BIOS Version Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
    Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
    Locale United States
    Time Zone Eastern Daylight Time
    Total Physical Memory 31.45 MB
    Available Physical Memory 168.00 KB
    Total Virtual Memory 1.34 GB
    Available Virtual Memory 1.27 GB
    Page File Space 1.31 GB

    Name Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA)
    Adapter Type Not Available
    Adapter Description (Standard display types)
    Bits/Pixel 0
    Memory Address 0xA0000-0xAFFFF
    Memory Address 0xB0000-0xBFFFF
    I/O Port 0x03B0-0x03BB
    I/O Port 0x03C0-0x03DF
    IRQ Channel IRQ 11
    Memory Address 0xE0000000-0xE7FFFFFF
    Memory Address 0xC0000-0xC7FFF
    Memory Address 0xE4000000-0xE400FFFF
    Driver c:\windows\system\vmm32.vxd (, 1,008.75 KB (1,032,956 bytes), Not Available)
  12. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    System Info isn't giving you the info I am looking for. Who makes the computer? There should be a data plate on the back of it that lists make and model.
  13. splah

    splah Private E-2

    The computer is not a retail PC, it was built for my company back in 98, not name brand-

    Right before it locks up it tells me this under motherboard
    Motherboard Prop
    MB ID 11/25/1998-692-596-w977-2a6LGS29C-00
    SOYO V6BE+

    Nothing under Windows Video
    but under PCI/AGP VIDEO
    S3 Trio3D (86C365/86C366
  14. Kenshin

    Kenshin Private E-2

    ah sorry about that, heh... Then if that's the only specs u got then ME i guess is fair enough if you don't like 98SE =P But yea is gonna be hell hunting down Windows ME drivers o_O
  15. splah

    splah Private E-2

    Shadow_Puter_Dude - thanks for all your help--
    Finally found the driver at driverguide.com
    S3 Trio 3D 86C365 AGP
    S3 - Video Adapters
  16. splah

    splah Private E-2

    I like 98 much more - may end up going to that soon...ME sucks, getting sick of researching for hours looking for driver etc.....

  17. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Sorry, went to bed. Drivers Guide is a good site, glad you found the drivers. 98SE is definetlly better. Look around ebay, pricewatch, or ask right here in the Buy, Sell & Trade Forum. Who knows, there may be a 'Geek' willing to part with a copy of 98SE.
  18. splah

    splah Private E-2

    I may do that..again, thanks for your help

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