Does anybody know of a good alternative for windows seven chdsk?

Discussion in 'Software' started by kimgi34, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. kimgi34

    kimgi34 Private E-2

    Im looking for a software alternative for windows chdsk i do
    computer Repair and im allways needing to run chdsk on clients hdd's so i use sata
    to usb cables and plugged them to my computer
    but the problem tha i have with runing chdsk is that it uses all of my
    memory and it brings my computer to a crawll .And i can't have tha i need
    my computer .

    And thats why im looking for an alternative for windows seven chdsk

    COMPUABLE First Sergeant

    >> Does anybody know of a good alternative for windows seven chdsk? kimgi34 <<

    A while back someone here at the MajorGeeks forum (I believe it was forum member DavidGP) recommended Active@ Hard Disk Monitor as an alternative to the standard Windows CHKDSK

    Active@ Hard Disk Monitor Site URL: (Note: If you are using Vista or Windows 7, you'll need to run the Active@ Hard Disk Monitor program as an 'administrator')

    Side Note: Also check out the article at the following link - Chkdsk Alternatives: 5 Free Tools to Check Hard Disk for Errors (via

    Good Luck! -- COMP​

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