DOS Prompts-List

Discussion in 'Software' started by boneyeye, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. boneyeye

    boneyeye Corporal

    Hi, Can anyone direct me to a list of DOS prompts and what the mean. WinXP HE SP2. TY. boneyeye
  2. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Do you mean in Run>cmd prompt? Just type help and hit enter for a list of commands and a brief description.

    Help command name will give a more detailed description of a specific command.
  3. Bold Eagle

    Bold Eagle MajorGeek

  4. boneyeye

    boneyeye Corporal

    Hi, TY Sach2 for answering, but it is not the" run comand" list, but a "comand prompt" that is used in the black window. I probably mislead you with the wrong terminology, and TY again. I will try the links given by Bold Eagle and let you know how things go. TY again to both of you. Boneyeye
  5. boneyeye

    boneyeye Corporal

    Hi, I have looked at both links that Bold Eagle gave. First is certainly not what I am looking for. 2nd one looks something like what I am looking for but looks very confusing. My Command Prompt black window shows first:
    Microsoft Windows XP [Version.5.1.2600]
    C Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corporation
    C:Documents and Settings\ Windows User> with the curser always flicking after>. So I am now as confused as ever. Boneyeye
  6. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Just type help and you will get a list of available commands. command name /? will give you details about a specific command.

    PEBKAC Private First Class

    Based upon your description, what you are looking at is the command prompt (a.k.a. "DOS" prompt, Command Line Interface, CLI). There are two flavors: CMD.EXE (primarily 32 bit support) and COMMAND.COM (backward compatibility for 16 bit support).
  8. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

  9. boneyeye

    boneyeye Corporal

    Hi, TY all for your help. I certainly have all the info I need now, from the links you provided. My best to all at MG. Boneyeye

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