Double Boot Error

Discussion in 'Software' started by ip.address.conflict, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. ip.address.conflict

    ip.address.conflict Private E-2

    Okay, trying to set up a system with dual-boot Vista and XP capabilites. Vista installs fine, but after attempting to install XP (which does install fine), instead of XP loading up and allowing me to finish the set up, it gives me a command of "Error loading operating system".

    I've tried several reinstalls of both OSes in order to get it to go, but each time I run into the same brick wall. Some assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Goran.P

    Goran.P MajorGeek

    Vista installs fine, but after attempting to install XP (which does install fine),

    No,no,no XP first Vista second.That's the boot order.
  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

  4. ip.address.conflict

    ip.address.conflict Private E-2

    The problem is, I followed the instructions to the letter following that page, and right about the point where it's supposed to reboot into XP is where everything goes haywire.. I also tried Computer Shopper's method and came up with the same problematic results.

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