download youtube with Flashgot

Discussion in 'Software' started by spockisapimp, May 25, 2011.

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  1. spockisapimp

    spockisapimp Private E-2

    Anybody know how to download videos from Youtube using Flashgot???
  2. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    If you have Easy YouTube Video Downloader installed, when you select to download a video it will automatically default to FlashGot. Least it does for me. Very easy to use.
  3. MadMal

    MadMal Corporal

    Many people confuse FlashGot with FlashGet download manager (I have) but if you do mean the FireFox extension FlashGot then it's easy.

    You need to have the FireFox Addon Bar up. Ctrl+/ will toggle it.
    When you start the video a small icon will flash on the right of the Addon Bar, when it stops flashing click on it and the download window will popup.

    Once the download has started you can leave that page and look at something else so I recommend you also use DownThemAll download manager then you can queue videos for downloading. I only download one at a time because of a slow connection but I can queue as many as I like.
  4. MadMal

    MadMal Corporal

    Due to popular request, in the latest version of FlashGot the icon will appear on the Navigation Toolbar not on the Add-on Bar.
    The icon can be moved by starting a video to expose the icon then right clicking on an empty space on the toolbar and selecting Customize then dragging the FlashGot icon to wherever you want.
    I prefer it on the Add-on Bar because I don't use it that often.
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