Dreamweaver 2 and Compatibility

Discussion in 'Software' started by MicroChip, May 20, 2006.

  1. MicroChip

    MicroChip Private E-2


    Recently, I started using a Windows 2000 Prof. w/ NT and was previously using Windows 98. In working with a webpage constructed with DREAMWEAVER 2, I find that it appears difficult to integrate this software with the new computer. It will thus make it hard to not be able to work on the webpage or make revisions if the software cannot be properly integrated.

    The software did load properly but when I went to open the Dreamweaver page, I received the following message: "Dreamweaver.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program."

    I restarted the program but with the same results and message. I then removed Dreamweaver and reinstalled it and ran it but again, with the very same results.

    Am wondering if there is a way to work around this so that I am able to get to the webpage and make revisions as are necessary. Also, I would prefer to not update the software at this time. I understand there is an index tab in some computers (on the PROPERTIES tab) that give you the option to use "Windows 98 Compatibility Mode". I tried that but this system does not appear to have that tab.

    If anyone has any suggestions as to how to save this website and continue working on it, it would sure be appreciated! Thanking you in advance.
  2. Toni_1947

    Toni_1947 Command Sergeant Major

    I believe the compatibility option is XP...not W2k
    I read on the Dreamweaver page and it should be compatible with W2k

    You could check the event viewer ( can't remember how to get to it in 2k...through Control Panel and Administrative Tools...I think) to see if there is an entry with an error code you could use at Microsoft to pin down the problem...not having it, I was not able to really find much.


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