driver corrupt bsod

Discussion in 'Software' started by elseco50, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. elseco50

    elseco50 Private E-2

    free space on drive c
    20gb free space but my computer is very slow.
    at shutdown
    it give me a bsod "a device driver attempting to corrupt the system has been caught.
    The faulty driver currently on the kernel stack must be replaced with a working version………"

    Stop 0x000000C4.etc,tetc

    thank you for your help
  2. elseco50

    elseco50 Private E-2

    sorry windows xp service pack 3
  3. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    I would suggest that you use msconfig to do some trouble shooting. So in normal mode, go to start / run / and type: msconfig.

    The last tab will show all your startup programs. Uncheck as many as you can and reboot. See if you notice a change in your speed. Then add them back in one at a time, rebooting in the intervals to see if you can find which one is causing your issues.

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