dv2000 Monitor Problems

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by RSingh, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. RSingh

    RSingh Private E-2

    Hey can anyone tell me why my monitor screen goes white and blurry sometimes? One minute its normal and then after a while it gets very bright and blurry. When I connect it to a external monitor it works so it's definitely the laptop's monitor. Any suggestions will be helpful.
  2. kestrel1

    kestrel1 Private E-2

    Could be the inverter that is failing or a faulty cable.
    What make & model of laptop is it?
  3. RSingh

    RSingh Private E-2

    HP Pavilion dv2000
  4. kestrel1

    kestrel1 Private E-2

    If the machine is still under warranty get it repaired by HP.
    If the warranty has expired you could check the connections, but you are best to follow a service guide, which I have found for you:
    If you are not confident about doing this you should take it to a qualified laptop technician. I suspect that it will be the inverter though. But check the connections first.
  5. RSingh

    RSingh Private E-2

    Thanks for the help. Will check out the service guide.

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