Editing the services configuration

Discussion in 'Software' started by RockYouOn, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. RockYouOn

    RockYouOn Private E-2

    Not sure where the right place to ask this question but since it has to do with while playing games I will take a shot at it here. I play high graphic games and racing on a athlon AMD 64 XP3500+ with Radeon 256mb X500 Video card and 1000mb's of memory on a 200 gig HD. On my older computer and I mean much slower I used to do the services configuration where I would shut down all the unneeded processes. I followed along Black Vipors recommendations and noticed they have it here now. It really helped on my slower computer to shut all them unneeded processes to have more memory. My question is this. Is it necessary to do that on the computer I game on now? I am able to play everything on the highest settings the game offers with sound and video. I am not hurting for anything. Runs great. So I feel it would be just a waste to shut them all down on this PC.... What's you all's thoughts on this? Thank you,
  2. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Hi and welcome to MajorGeeks.

    If you aren't having any issues, it's better to just leave it alone.

    Services can affect startup and shutdown, but again if it's running OK then leave it.

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