Emachine T3085 No Sound/Internet

Discussion in 'Software' started by stoogenut1938, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. I wanted to know what drivers you installed to get the ethernet to work again?
    My T3085 has lost the ethernet driver.
    In device manager i get a yellow question mark by ethernet controller and smbuss controller.
    Thanks, Stoogenut
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Stoogenut- it is best to start your own thread when dealing with your own issues. Hijacking another member's thread isn't a good because if the thread has been more-or-less closed (like this one) you won't get any exposure and nobody will notice you; and if you hijack an active thread, the advice posted will likely be for the thread starter, and not the hijacker, and before long everybody gets confused. So, for future reference, ALWAYS start your own threads. BUT- since you're here, and this is fairly simple, just click this link to download the driver. It includes the SMBus, ethernet, and several other system drivers all in one file.

    . . . . and welcome to Major Geeks! :wave :major

  3. I would have but i got a message that said i cannot post till approval was complete!
  4. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    So did you try the driver I linked to above? Did it work?
  5. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Don't bother, this jerk off replies to the automated email to say "who cares" not even bright enough to understand the email notification concept, then just got ruder as it went. A real moron. And banned.

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