Everex Impact GA3400 Drivers

Discussion in 'Software' started by manethz22, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. manethz22

    manethz22 Private E-2

    HI Guyz..

    Can U help me find the drivers for this computer.. this is everex computer its 2007 model... my brought this 3 years ago.. and i want to reformat it but i dont have the drivers.. can u help this the information...

    Model: Everex Impact GA3400 (<--- I Already search that in google but the links are dead.. can u help me guyz.. Please THank YOU
  2. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

  3. manethz22

    manethz22 Private E-2

    How to send report by using Everest... and im using a laptop right now coz my everex pc wont work with internet connection.. coz no lan driver installed... and i cannot access a internet... or ill download a everex install then i install it to my everex computer then run it and get to info... and then what should i do?? .. tnx...
  4. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Right, you want to install Everest on your Everex computer and then attach the text file to your post using your other computer.

    Instructions courtesy of DavidGP;

    By the way, did you see the site I posted with all of your drivers.

    http://www.opendrivers.com/modeldriver/Everex_Desktop_IMPACT GA3400-driver-download.html
  5. manethz22

    manethz22 Private E-2

    Hi Sir tgell...

    This is the information of my everex computer... I just want the drivers.. Hope u will help of this.. thanks in advance..

    PS.. See the attach files

    BTW.. yeah i try the link u give but i cant connect

    Attached Files:

  6. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    According to your report, you have a FIC motherboard K8MC51G.

    All of the drivers for that board are listed here.

    Install the chipset drivers first, then the video drivers, then audio.
  7. manethz22

    manethz22 Private E-2

    Ok tnx.. sir ill try this... ill download it right now and after office ill try this on my everex computer at home...

    BTW sir... There is no lan driver given for this board? coz in K8MC51G column there is no lan driver links...
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  8. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I believe that the LAN driver is part of your chipset driver.
  9. manethz22

    manethz22 Private E-2

    ok sir... tnx... sorry eheheh.....
  10. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Yes, Nvidia Chipset drivers tend to cover Network, USB and sometimes Audio drivers in one package.

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