Evil Child

Discussion in 'Software' started by Surf Playalinda, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. Surf Playalinda

    Surf Playalinda Private E-2

    Okay, my dad is REALLY getting on my nerves, and all have left to hang on is that in two more years i will have my own computer in my own place with my own internet access. Anyways, if anyone has ever heard of Runescape, the online game, i LOVE this game. About a year ago, he blamed it (as he blames everything that connects with the internet) for getting us a virus. So i stopped at his annoying request. Since then, being the disobiedient child i am, i have played it off and on. Now all of the sudden, it wont connect to the server. Again being the evil child i am, i found out my moms user password (we have XP) and hers will connect just fine (because she has no internet restrictions). I think it has something to do with my dad changing something on our internet thing (we have Norton Internet Security 2004). I want to play my games on the internet HORRIBLY, (and tere is no alternative, since they wont let me buy a wireless internet card (dont worry im evil enough to have already thought to just buy one without them knowing, but my dad has a password for it ) and they also wont let me get Xbox live) and now nothing AT ALL will connect to the internet. Is there ANY way at all to change this? Other than setting up a video camera to tape my dads password as he puts it in? or getting him to wash his hands, and then type his password, or getting him to fingerpaint, then type his password, or getitng.......
  2. Tourangh

    Tourangh Master Sergeant

    Didnt you say you foun out your moms password and it works fine??
  3. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    get him an internet for dummies.
  4. Surf Playalinda

    Surf Playalinda Private E-2

    Yes, i did find out my moms password, but i cant be on her user with out being wary about them knowing i am on her user.
  5. Surf Playalinda

    Surf Playalinda Private E-2

    Never mind! Downloaded the windows client for Runescape (which doesnt have to install so my dad wont see it) and logged on to my moms user, got the norton window to come up and ask permissiion to connect to the internet, and its now working fine!
  6. Tourangh

    Tourangh Master Sergeant

    If you were afraid of getting cought using your moms acount wouldent it have been the same as being cought playing somthing your not supposed to.
  7. melancholiclaughter

    melancholiclaughter Private E-2

    Haha. I love parents. In my family I am seen as the 'computer person' so I've never had such troubles since they don't have the foggiest when it comes to computers. Just play on the damn game, it isnt going to mess anything up :)
  8. sleepygamer213

    sleepygamer213 First Sergeant

    2 years till your out eh.. so ur 16? GET A JOB... BUY YOUR OWN COMP... AND GET ON THE INTERNET! for christs sake... im 15.. no job and ive already bought my own comp, i pay for internet each month (*about 50 bucks, cable) and i bought a router and modem....

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